Serving 6th - 12th grade

At a time when disconnection and isolation among young people is so prevalent, we want to create intentional opportunities for youth to connect with God and with each other on Sundays and Wednesdays. We also want them to connect with the larger church family, so on the first Sunday of each month, our youth students attend the main service.


10:45 AM ONLY

sunday Series: The Kingdom

Join us as we dive into the Bible to explore the theme that Jesus emphasized the most—God's Kingdom. From Genesis to Revelation, we'll discover what the Kingdom of God is like and what it means for God to rule in our lives.

On the first Sunday of each month, youth students attend the main service


6:30 - 8:30 PM

Wednesday Nights: Love God | Love People

Join us for a time of fun, worship, and community as we connect on a deeper level. We’ll play games, hear a message, and gather in small groups. This year’s theme is all about loving God with our whole heart, soul, mind, and strength—and loving our neighbors too.

Details announced in weekly youth emails and Remind messages.

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Hi! My family has been attending Creekside since 2007. Before that I got a foreign language degree at Cal Poly SLO, a teaching credential in Spanish, married my husband Jon, and taught in the Roseville High School District. I stopped working to be home with my kids for about a decade, which I cherished. Without any specific career plan in mind, God led me through a sequence of volunteer and paid roles at Creekside that gave me valuable life experience and developed my spiritual gifts. In 2019 I started working with our Youth program as an assistant, and in 2020 I became the Youth Director. I love coaching teens through their current experiences and showing them how spiritually capable they are to launch from my ministry into this wild adult life. I also love food, music, travel, health/fitness, reading, and dance parties. I'm passionate about family, have three fantastic kids, and a couple years ago I was a surrogate. Ask me about anything! I'm an open book and love to connect with people.

Hi everyone! My family and I started attending Creekside in 2008. This church has always been a place I have felt at home. I grew up in Sacramento, but then went away to college at Cal State Long Beach, where I got my BA in Communications and a Minor in Marketing. From then, I went on to study Advancement and got my Certificate in Fundraising. After college, I got married, and my husband and I have always enjoyed being involved in ministry. We first started out both helping in the nursery when we lived in Southern California. It was great practice for our current family of four kids. Right after our first son was born, we were blessed to be able to move back to where we both grew up by our families and set up home in Rocklin. We quickly found Creekside and have both loved being involved and serving in several ministries. I have been blessed to be a part of MOPS, Women's Ministry, Missions, Children's Ministry, and most recently Youth Ministry which has been such a joy now that two of my kids are in the youth group. If I haven't met you yet, I look forward to meeting you very soon and saying hi!