What does patience look like?
Read and meditate on 1 Timothy 1:12-17
Guiding Thoughts:
The patience that we have can never be equal to the amount of patience Christ has. He repeatedly forgave those that hurt him physically and emotionally.
It takes an absurd amount of patience that it takes to continue to commune with someone that hurts you.
As followers of Christ, we are called to work towards this “great patience” that Paul references.
In this passage, Paul begins by referencing his past as an assailant and persecutor of followers of Christ. He talks about the blasphemy that he participated in and the reality of his insolence.
Paul finishes up talking about his past, with three amazing statements:
Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners
God had mercy on me so that Christ Jesus could show his great patience with even the worst of sinners.
All others can realize that Christ is open to all that will believe and receive eternal life.
These statements are so valuable because they show the amazing patience of Christ. When Paul was called, God called to him saying “why are you persecuting me?” Paul was violently against God, but Christ being rich in patience and love called to him.
Christ is patient to forgive all who will accept him.
Christ extended patience to even the worst, how can you practice being patient to others?
Does Paul’s explanation of his past encourage you to reach out to a friend or family member that you have considered “unsavable”?
Patience is not always forgiveness, what are other ways of showing patience?