Session 02: Betrayals

Passage: John 13:18–30



  1. Take a minute to reflect on the fact that all of Jesus’ disciples either fled from him, denied him, or outright betrayed him. What thoughts does this suggest to you about the nature of following Jesus?

  2. Reflect on (a) Peter’s certainty that he would never deny Jesus and (b) the fact that the disciples had no idea that Judas would betray Jesus. What thoughts or feelings does this prompt for you?

  3. Try to place yourself in this night with Jesus and the disciples. How do you think you would have responded and acted in this situation? What would you like yourself to have done if you were there?



Take 15 minutes this week to reflect on this passage with an awareness of God’s presence with you. Ask him to speak to you gently about your devotion to him. Is it strong? Is it tentative? Is there something he wants to nudge you toward or whisper to you about this?

Mark Beuving