Welcome to MULTIPLY: THE STORY OF THE BIBLE. This 15 week study is meant to guide you through the storyline of the Bible. Each session covers a vital section of the biblical story. Each session gives an overview or a large section of Scripture and also includes direct references to sections of Scripture, so you can dive into the actual text of the Bible. There is a reading component to help you process the material, then there are reflection questions for you to think through on your own and to help shape your discussion.
We recommend that you walk through this material with someone else, whether that be a small group or a one-on-one meeting.
MULTIPLY is a great starting point for those who don’t have much familiarity with the Bible. This will help you see the big picture of Scripture and it will also give you a sense of where the pieces fit within that larger story (e.g., where did Jesus come from and what does he have to do with the laws recorded in the Old Testament?). MULTIPLY can also provide great discussions for those who don’t have any current faith commitments. You don’t have to be a church person to take the story of the Bible seriously, so this can be a great way to explore what Jesus is all about. Finally, if you’ve been a Christian for a long time, MULTIPLY can still be a great topic of study because it covers the whole Bible in 15 weeks. This can help you get a sense of the whole and provide and helpful framework for other studies you have done or will do in the future.
This fifteen week study is a taken from Multiply: Disciples Making Disciples by Francis Chan and Mark Beuving. These sessions constitute Parts 4 and 5 of that book. If you’d prefer to have the print version, you can buy a hard copy here. You can also watch videos broken down by chapter by Francis Chan and David Platt. If you like what you’ve gone through in this fifteen week version, you might consider walking through Parts 1–3 of the full book once you’re done.