Disciple Someone Through Any Book of the Bible
Find someone you want to dig into Scripture with. Pray about it. When you feel like God has given you an indication of who this might be, approach that person and ask them if they’d like to dig into a book of the Bible with you.
Choose (with them or for them) which book of the Bible you'd like to go through.
Set your pace. Use the chapter numbers or section headings in your Bible to pick good start and stop points. You might do a chapter per week, a paragraph per week, or some other length of Scripture passage. It’s all about how deep you want to go and how long you want to be studying.
Meet weekly for a simple discussion. You can use the following questions every week to frame your discussion:
What stands out to you from what we read this week?
What questions do you have about it?
How could what we read this week change our lives and our community?
What other significant things are happening in our lives that we can celebrate, work on, or pray about?
Keep an eye on the bigger picture of how you are following Jesus in your daily lives. Make sure your meetings aren’t just about filling your head with knowledge. If you’re encountering trials or struggles in your real life, this could be a great place to address, pray about, or work on those.