As we enter this sacred season of Advent, we invite you to join us in reflecting on the beauty and wonder of Christ.

Through quiet reflection on scripture and intentional prayer, we'll draw near to the heart of Christmas as revealed in the Gospels.

join us sundays at 9 & 10:45 and at our special christmas services in december!


In the busyness of the Christmas season, we want to spend an evening together as a church family worshiping Christ and reflecting on the meaning of his first coming. There will be special music, reflection, scripture reading, and breaking bread together as we embrace the true reason for the Christmas season. 

While many of our events are family-friendly, we'd love this evening to be a special time of quiet and reflective worship. Parents: There is no childcare available, however youth ages 6th-12th grade are encouraged to attend with you.

Date: Friday, Dec. 13
Time: 6:30 PM
Location: Creekside Lobby & Event Room


We invite you to join us for a candle light worship service, featuring special music by Creekside Kids. We will open scripture together and worship Jesus.

All children will receive goody bags and worship with their families.

Date: Tuesday, Dec. 24
Time: 3 PM & 4:30 PM